Monday, March 7, 2011

WOOT I love this blog.

As We Meet Together Again
In the remarks President Monson made in the opening addresses from last conference I was confused about where I fit in to his call for missionary work.  I feel like I'm in this middle stage between serving a full time mission age for a woman, and serving as an older person.  How can I prepare or bring my life in order to be able to feel included in this missionary effort? 

Prepare like I'm an 18 year old boy.  It shouldn't matter than I'm a 23 year old woman. I should live everyday like my little brother. Feast on the scriptures and conference (a 'spiritual feast' as the Prophet put it)  There is no reason that I should ever feel left out of this missionary vision that the Prophet has for the members of this church.  We are a grand army, but we may not all be on active duty! We are in the reserves, and we should stay in shape and pray for missionary opportunities. I know I need to work on taking those opportunities when they arise in my life.

Because of your Faith (you should really listen to Holland, its better than reading)
I loved this talk the first time, bawled my head off. This time is no different. I love thinking of the infinite and divine potential and worth of each person on this earth. The words, "treasure", "cherished", "beloved" are not nearly expressive enough to share the way our Lord, our Heavenly Father loves us. Holland struggles with this same concept.

Anyone who's ever received a meal, or a ride, or a letter on their mission can testify of the pure love felt from that person, and from God.  So many of us give so much, and its OK to pat our selves on the back every once and a while. Those simple acts, those are where the love of God is seen. It is in the simple things.  There is no service too small; the Lord sees them all. 

I am so amazed by the divinity I see in the world.  Yes there are so many terrible things in our world today. There are so many horrible things we could focus on. But I feel that faith we have in God has to be reflected in the faith we have in our own kind, Humankind! We have to believe that there are good people out there, filled with charity and love for those around them. I think we will find more and more to be amazed and thankful for in this world if we look for the charity around us.

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