Monday, March 21, 2011

Serve with the Spirit

Ponder: To weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care

President Eyring talked about ways to invite the Holy Ghost more into our lives and to use the Holy Ghost as a source of revelation in serving others. When he talked about "pondering" as a way to invite the spirit into our lives I was reminded of an experience I had growing up. One day after my older brother had gotten back from his mission, I noticed that he spent a lot of time just laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. I thought it was really weird so after a few days I finally asked him why he was doing that. I can still remember his response. He said "Well that is because I am trying to ponder about what I've read in the scriptures." He then told me about how he learned about the blessings of pondering and some of the spiritual experiences he had on his mission while pondering spiritual things. I learned a lot from that conversation. It helped me to be more spiritual in general. President Eyring said that pondering is how we invite revelation into our lives and how we let the spirit work inside us. This is really when we receive thoughts, impressions and answers to questions we have. I think he is right. Actually, I know he is right.

I've had many personal experiences with having the spirit come in a time of pondering, but tonight as I pondered about pondering, I thought more about reasons I do not do it as much. Sometimes I go through my day in what I call "checklist mode" where I have things I want to get done and right when I finish one, I check it off and move right on to the next one. This happens to my scripture study all too often and I realized I am missing out on some tender spiritual experiences that may come from taking the time to ponder and listen to the spirit after scripture study. Other things could be that I always have my music on or other technology that takes my attention away from having quiet moments of reflection. Thank you to President Eyring reminded me of the spiritual power that comes from pondering.

Oh and thank you to all of you for being amazing. I love all of your posts, thoughts and insights!

1 comment:

  1. dean! i loved your post! even a minute after i read this i was pulling out my check list and literally heard a Homer Simpson "dohhh!" in my head. haha thanks for your perspective and reminder to SLOW DOWN for once, and in the most important way.
