Tuesday, March 8, 2011

His Love is Everywhere

'Obedience to the Prophets' was one of my favorite talks from last conference. It is an understatement to say that I love our prophet. What an amazing, incredible, and beautiful blessing it is to have a living prophet today! He truly does communicate with our Lord and the messages he gives are for us, in this present day. What an opportunity for growth! We can know exactly what it is that we should be working on. By listening to and following the prophet, we can directly obey our Father in Heaven.

To me, nothing shows more love. Our Heavenly Father should be a constant in our lives. He is watching over us and He wants the best for all of us. By following the prophet we can show Him that we are listening and we are willing. We ought to pray to be tools in His Hands.

And on the topic of hands, are yours holding to the rod? None of us have children yet, but that doesn't mean we can't be preparing right now. We will be expected to lead our children to the Tree of Life. How can we lead if we don't already know the way? Of course, we aren't perfect and the road isn't always clear. But by preparing now and starting those necessary habits early, it will be easy to incorporate righteous living into our future families.

Thinking of my future family has always been somewhat of a struggle for me. I have a hard time relating my current actions to the future. I'm getting better at it, but it took some doing. Our Lord works in small and simple ways. Step by step, we draw nearer to Him. Parenting is a scary thing, but if we are preparing now, it won't be so bad when we're at that stage. We will be ready.

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